All Parts of the Machine

All Parts of the Machine is a neural network of moving images that have removed human characteristics and stereotypes, in order to appear as a homogeneous series. This study is designed to aid the understanding of unconscious biases – in particular, stereotyping. Stereotyping is the conscious or unconscious attribution of presumptions to a person based on qualities such as race, gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status and so on… We accrue this information and, consciously or not, it influences our perceptions and beliefs which can result in conscious bias and prejudices.

Alex Homes

Blew Monday

Blew Monday is a tissue box publication that explores the strange idea of there being one most depressing day of the year and how it is in fact a marketing technique and it is not backed up by factual science at all. It includes 21 screen-printed tissues, with a screen-printed tissue box.

Amy Pearce

The Phenomenon of Denim

In an era of mobile phones, busy work schedules and a lack of leisure time, we are required to multitask, forcing us to overlook everyday commodities such as denim. Despite being surrounded by people wearing denim jeans, jackets and skirts every day and a majority of people owning around 6 pairs of jeans each, people’s knowledge around this subject is lacking, as most people do not even know how their clothes are made. Everything About Denim a publication exploring every aspect of the fabric through how it’s made to how it has influenced fashion throughout history.

Thea Lincoln

Muffin Tops & Love Handles

​​Muffin Tops & Love Handles is an editorial publication that aims to normalise belly fat. The book explores social pressures and stigmas around having belly fat through articles, interviews and the showcasing of photographers who visualise this pressure and celebrate body shapes through their art. Artists such as Alina Gross, Jenny Saville and Michaela Clarke are featured.

Camilla Owen

Piggy Bank of Parliament

Piggy Bank of Parliament is a 3D printed piggy bank, accompanied with risographed perforated flyers, and summarised into a short film.

Watch the short film — Here

The purpose of the project is to make people aware of the extent of cronyism within the Tory/Conservative government; gain knowledge into how much the general public know about how much Covid contract money was given to Tory-linked firms; and to also reveal what information is already exposed.

Niamh Ellerton

Someone has got to take the last biscuit

I have been exploring politeness and what that could be like visually, graphically and in physical spaces. From what started as an explorative piece became more focused as the project progressed and I gained more of an understanding of what politeness is and how we see it in our day to day lives. Politeness is a large part of how we interact with each other on a day-to-day basis, but the rule book that we use named politeness can vary from one book to the next; actions to one person may be completely acceptable but to another may be the height of rudeness.

James Francis-King

The British Museum – Dangerous Nostalgia

Dangerous nostalgia can refer to the weaponization of artefacts like those in the British museum. These artefacts have been taken and kept far from their place of origin and the culture they belong to, simply to be used by the west as a tool for education of those in the country’s privileged enough to see them as such, rather than a means by which to connect to ancestors and culture.

Ben Dunnett