Nigerian Culture

My Project is about Nigerian Culture. Relating to the artistic creation, aesthetics, customs, and attire of the various ethnic groups within the country. I have produced a variety of outcomes printed using different processes. Through this, I have been able to learn more about my culture and demonstrate its distinctive features.

Drinking Vessel 

This project is an experiment of different process in order to produce a variety of drinking vessels. These vessels forms represent drink experiences and explores how a person would interact with them.

rAId me

Algorithms are proven to cause discrimination within certain minority groups whether that is through job opportunities, housing, education, credit, or travel. This needs to be brought to the attention of more people in order to start demanding systematic changes and ethical algorithm evaluation.

This audio-reactive experience aims to challenge the participant to read what is in front of them. In that way, they would be realizing the dangers of algorithmic misusage but also comparing the exprience to how complex and well-hidden a piece of code can be in the real world.

Watch — Here

Aleksandar Tsvetkov

Blew Monday

Blew Monday is a tissue box publication that explores the strange idea of there being one most depressing day of the year and how it is in fact a marketing technique and it is not backed up by factual science at all. It includes 21 screen-printed tissues, with a screen-printed tissue box.

Amy Pearce

Piggy Bank of Parliament

Piggy Bank of Parliament is a 3D printed piggy bank, accompanied with risographed perforated flyers, and summarised into a short film.

Watch the short film — Here

The purpose of the project is to make people aware of the extent of cronyism within the Tory/Conservative government; gain knowledge into how much the general public know about how much Covid contract money was given to Tory-linked firms; and to also reveal what information is already exposed.

Niamh Ellerton

The Queer Eros

The Queer Eros investigates the relation between hard-to-talk-about intimate and erotic queer taboos based on artificial intelligence – using human touch, force, and sensitivity to alter the outcomes as either delicate or intense interpretations, helping to shine a light and incorporate the hidden revolutionary of queer artists, photographers, designers, and creatives.

View Here

Rees Jones

The Debris

The debris is about paying attention to the details. Localised on Gloucester road I have collected fly posters and the out of place waste that gets discarded. Reusing this material, I have transformed it in hopes of giving it new life. Curating a series of 10 poster designs, which I then put back into the environment I collected the paper from. My intention for this project was to get people to notice aspects of their environment they may pass by every day. To get people to pause and observe.

Beth Boyd-Lee